Thursday, March 27, 2008

Otra Vez

I'm not sure anyone's reading this blog anymore - and I can't say I blame you. Although the idea of returning to it has come in and out of my mind lots of times, I didn't decide to add another post until about this very moment.

This past week I spent mostly traveling in between cities in Spain, and my travels took me to Madrid (where I saw La Guernica by Picasso - and it's one of the paintings I've seen that is better than I heard it would be), Toledo - which we toured so quickly, most of the conversations went like this:

"What does the book say this is?"
"A must-see monument"
"Wow - it is gorgeous, no?"
"Actually, it's the one behind you"
"Oh. Wow - it is gorgeous, no?"

Not so long later, we were on our way to Cordoba where we spent a night laughing more than I've laughed since I've been in Spain trading stories about the crazy things that have happened to us this year.

The next two days were full of warm sun and even better food in Sevilla, eating with Matt's coworkers and friends at little tapas bars near the city-center, sharing foods like eggplant in a tomato curry, chicken with bechamel sauce, and chicken in a sweet-raisin and almond sauce with french fries.

Back here in Burgos, I'm thinking right now about how thankful I am to have so many good people in my life. It's seems like everyone I've met here has a treasure of information about how to live life well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you did finally decided to post again rahim. take care.
